The Barna Group (2014, February 11) reports that “three-quarters of US adults (75%) say they are looking for ways to live a more meaningful life.” Many are looking for meaning in “family, career, church, side projects or elsewhere. Whether such meaning is found in family, career, church, side projects or elsewhere, these are all questions of vocation—that is, the way in which people feel “called” to certain types of work and life choices .”
Solving our life challenges is an adventure.
As we grow into adulthood, we bring along with us a history of self-defeating behaviors, choices, and habits. They may have provided momentary escape from uncertainties, but overall, they limited our cumulative success. So, what happens now? What should we do? Shouldn't we shake ourselves off and awaken to change?
From the mental, to the physical , and spiritual state, it’s all about addressing our habits and tracking certain behaviors to find the root cause of an issue, health problem, or other impediments to our happiness.
Start Your Adventure Right Here
Set up your FREE 20 MINS CALL
By providing your email, around what time should we call you, and your name.
Purpose for the call:
1. Find out if we have chemistry?
2. Can we establish trust and build a coaching/mentoring relationship?
3. Find out the price for your sessions.
1. Find out if we have chemistry?
2. Can we establish trust and build a coaching/mentoring relationship?
3. Find out the price for your sessions.
The ministry services provided are similar to life coaching. The following are definitions of what life coaching means. We seek to achieve the same objectives by using faith-based methods.
Life coaching is coaching that focuses on improving people’s personal lives as well as their working lives. Though a relatively recent phenomenon, it is undoubtedly here to stay. In the USA, since the mid-1990s, there has been a huge increase in attention to life coaching."
Life coaching can involve helping a person learn a skill for the first time, helping them maintain and improve existing skills and assisting them to weaken and, if possible, stop exhibiting unwanted skills. Coaching can last from a single session to a lifetime. However, those who have regular contact with coaches throughout their lives, partly for financial reasons, are likely to be very much a minority. Many people come to coaching because they are not getting as much out of life as they would like. Often coaching starts by providing them with assistance for a problem and then broadens into helping them live more effectively in other areas. Another approach to coaching is to have it when one feels it necessary."